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Sciatica Treatment in Ashby

Stop Living with Sciatica Today

Common Causes of Sciatic Pain


Lifting Something Unexepectedly Heavy or Awkardly





Trauma to the Low Back

Repetitive Strain from Everyday Life or Activities

Long Periods of Desk Based Work

Instability in the Low Back from Weak Core Muscles

Sciatica Explained

Sciatica is a condition characterized by pain radiating down the leg from the buttock or lower back. It occurs when a nerve in the lower back becomes pinched due to an injury or strain on the joints.

The pain associated with sciatica can range from a dull, intermittent ache to a sharp, shooting sensation that travels all the way down to the foot.

While rest and time can sometimes lead to improvement, more often than not, the problem doesn't fully resolve, leaving you with stiffness, persistent pain, or a sense of vulnerability that limits your ability to engage in normal activities. Seeking a professional opinion and treatment during such situations can be immensely beneficial.

If left untreated, sciatic pain can progress from a relatively simple issue to a long-term and more challenging problem. Understandably, most people prefer to avoid relying on pain medications or considering surgery. Therefore, it is vital to choose a treatment approach that is both safe and supported by a wealth of successful outcomes worldwide. We always recommend a course of treatment before considering long-term medication or surgery, with research indicating that 90% of people experience significant improvement after just six treatments.

Common Causes of Sciatica
While common causes of sciatica, such as lifting or bending forward, are well-known, let's delve deeper into what can go wrong with your sciatic nerve:

Locked Back (Facet Lock):
This condition occurs when one of the small joints at the lower back becomes strained, leading to swelling and muscle spasms that affect the sciatic nerve as it passes through a narrow and vulnerable opening.

Slipped Disc:
The spine contains shock-absorbing discs filled with a jelly-like substance. Overloading these discs or wearing them out through prolonged sitting or heavy lifting can result in the jelly pressing onto the nerve, causing a "trapped nerve."

Inflammation in the Back and Arthritis:
Wear and tear in the back can lead to swelling near the nerve, causing irritation and pain that radiates into the leg.

Age-Related Changes and Neck Injury:
As people age or experience previous neck injuries, joints and muscles can deteriorate. Treatment focuses on restoring the neck to its optimal function through careful and gradual interventions to counteract the effects of aging.

Piriformis Syndrome:
In some cases, the sciatic nerve passes through a muscle in the buttock, and injury or spasms in this muscle can lead to sciatica without concurrent back pain, as the back itself remains unaffected.

In conclusion, sciatica can be a debilitating condition that significantly impacts your daily life. Seeking professional help is crucial to address the underlying causes and alleviate your discomfort, ultimately improving your quality of life and mobility. Opting for safe and effective treatments can often spare you the need for prolonged medication use or surgical procedures.

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